The aim of this study is to determine the predictive level of teacher abuse, school burnout and school attachment for risky behaviors in adolescents, and to examine risky behaviors according to some demographic variables. Relational survey model was employed in the study. The study group consisted of adolescents with an average age of It was revealed that the score averages taken from the total and sub-dimensions of risky behaviors differed significantly according to gender, grade level, academic average, perceived socioeconomic level and family structure variables. In addition, it was determined that suicidal tendencies did not differ based on gender, academic average and class level; antisocial behaviors and school dropout Teacher Has Sex With His Student not significantly differ according to the grade level. Akanni, O. Gender and other risk factors associated with risky behaviours among Nigerian adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 57, Akca, S. Erkek ergenlerde riskli davranışlar: Bir lise örneği. Akın, E. İntihar girişiminde bulunan ergenlerde öfke ve dürtüsellik. Marmara Medical Journal, 25 3 Akyüz, G. Kayıp ve yas yaşantısı olan ve olmayan ergenlerde duygu düzenleme ve Teacher Has Sex With His Student iyi oluşun riskli davranışları yordama düzeyi. Albayrak, A. Çoklu doğrusal bağlantı halinde en küçük kareler tekniğinin alternatifi yanlı tahmin teknikleri ve bir uygulama. Aras, Ş. İzmir ilinde lise öğrencilerinin riskli davranışları. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 8 3 Arnold, D. Co-occurrence of externalizing behavior problems and emergent academic difficulties in young high-risk boys: A preliminary evaluation of patterns and mechanisms. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 18 3 Arnow, B. Relationship between child maltreatment, adult health and psychiatric outcomes and medical utilisation. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65, Australian National University Australıan child and adolescent trauma, loss and grief network. What is a Trauma Informed Approach? Aydın, A. Ergenlikte reaktif-proaktif saldırganlık, öfke ve narsisizm ilişkisi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 29 73 Bandura, A. Toward a psychology of human agency. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1 2 Borghol, N. Associations with early-life socio-economic position in adult DNA methylation. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41 1 Botdorf, M. Adolescent risk-taking is predicted by individual differences in cognitive control over emotional, but not non-emotional, response conflict.
Metin çevirisi
Last Class of the Semester! America's Sex Culture: Its Impact on Teacher-Student Relationships Today: Zarra III, Ernest J.: Kitap. This descriptive study explores three aspects of teacher behavior related to student participation in science fair competitions: teacher attitudes, teacher.Relational survey model was employed in the study. Karagöz, Y. Svahili dili. Seyşeller Kreolü. Ergenlerde okul tükenmişliğinin yordayıcısı olarak akılcı olmayan inançlar. Maithili dili.
Çeviri türleri
America's Sex Culture: Its Impact on Teacher-Student Relationships Today: Zarra III, Ernest J.: Kitap. Read about the case that shocked the world and rocked the headlines -- about the lonely life of Mary Kay Letourneau and the young object of her obsession. This descriptive study explores three aspects of teacher behavior related to student participation in science fair competitions: teacher attitudes, teacher. The purpose of the current study is to explore how to assess secondary school teacher-students relationships in terms of the dimensions called.Okul tükenmişlik ölçeğinin Türk kültürüne uyarlanması: Güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması. Sami dili Kuzey. Dil ara. Dyula dili. Telugu dili. Malayca Javi. Lamb Eds. Hawai dili. Published Favazza, A. Kastamonu Education Journal. The relations between the student-teacher trust relationship and school suc- cess in the Korean middle schools. Sense of belonging among high school students representing four ethnic groups. Lombard dili. Arnow, B. School burnout inventory SBI reliability and validity. Downloads Download data is not yet available. Açoli dili. Karayağız-Muslu, G. Ergenlikte reaktif-proaktif saldırganlık, öfke ve narsisizm ilişkisi. Berber dili. Miller Eds. Silezya dili. Author Information Pack. Kürtçe Kurmançça. How to Cite Savi Çakar, F. Ilocano dili. Google Cloud Translation tarafından desteklenmektedir. The relationship between teacher gender and student ac- hievement: evidence from five Indian states. Co-occurrence of externalizing behavior problems and emergent academic difficulties in young high-risk boys: A preliminary evaluation of patterns and mechanisms. Quechua dili. Luganda dili. I wanted to see what the book captured about them. Sango dili. Villi seemed more mature than she did, yet did not seem "happy"