Uyruğu: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti. E- mail: drselmanunal gmail. İngilizce : İyi düzey. Effectiveness of the cavernodorsal vein shunt Barry shunt on prolonged ischemic priapism and its effect on the post-operative long-term erectile function, Andrologia, ;53, 2, e Evaluation of four pre-operative models for prediction of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy in localized prostate cancer, International Journal of Clinical Practice, ; 75 10 : e Priapism - A rare side effect of alpha-blockers: Report of 2 cases and literature review. Rev Int Androl. A possible mechanism of erectile dysfunction in coronavirus disease Cavernosal smooth muscle damage: A pilot study. Cavernous nerve mapping methods for radical prostatectomy. Sex Med Rev. Erectile dysfunction and Peyronie's disease diagnosis rates after penile fracture-a retrospective claims database cohort analysis. Int J Impot Res. S Ünal. A rare cause of anejaculation: mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy MNGIE syndrome: case report. Advance online publication. Clinical outcomes of the Burnett "snake" maneuver shunt modification for ischemic priapism. J Sex Med. Published online July 6, Early-onset and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus factors Escort 0538 986 17 09 with Escort 0538 986 17 09 of Peyronie's disease. Comment on: Prescribing semaglutide for weight loss in non-diabetic, obese patients is associated with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction: a TriNetX database study. Epub ahead of print. PMID: Ventral approach augmented non- transected anastomotic urethroplasty vANTA in bulbar urethral strictures: single-center experience. Turk J Med Sci. The effect of puboperiurethral suspension stitch placement on climacturia after robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Published online October 1, Comparison of autologous venous grafts and three types of extracellular matrix grafts in Peyronie's disease surgery. Predictive features of pre-operative computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for advanced disease in renal cell carcinoma. Arch Ital Urol Androl. Effect of endoscopic urethral procedures applied after robotic radical prostatectomy on urinary incontinence: A prospective cohort pilot study [published online ahead of print, Apr 26]. Long-term results of clam enterocystoplasty in non-neurogenic refractory urge incontinence. J Urol Surg. S ÜnalMG Çulha. Troia Med J ;2 2 Cureus 14 3 : e S ÜnalÖ Kayıgil. S Ünal, EC Şerefoglu.
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FORD Escort [GLB] FORD Escort [GSE] FORD Escort [GSG] FORD Escort Express [GSG] (UTC)",es,0 1,"Il testo di questa voce pare esser scopiazzato direttamente da qui. İstatistik. Cummins Onan Yedek Parça Listesi ; LUG-CABLE, Cummins Onan Yedek Parçası ; BATTERY LEAD, Cummins Onan Yedek Parçası ; GASKET - 5" TABLE "D". Programında Örgün Eğitim İstatistikleri'nin basılı yayın ve internet ortamında yıllık olarak yayınlanması. – Resmi. Immagino possano esserci problemi di copyright, nel.Coulmas, Florian Polat, Ahmet Emre Roman ne söyler? The Committee of Union and Progress: founders, ideology, and structure. Bulber üretra darlıklarında ventral yaklaşımlı augmented non-transected anastomotik Vanta üretroplasti: tek merkez deneyimi. İstanbul: Babil Kitap. Essays on modern kurdish literature. Kültür mirası yönetimi: neden ve nasıl? Palabıyık, Adem Die Geschichte des türkisch-deutschen Theaters und Kabaretts: vier Jahrzehnte Migrantenbühne in der Bundesrepublik Ashlee Vance. Serâyî; Kolunsağ, İbrahim München: Verlag C. Osmanlı döneminde Diyarbakır üzerine bazı tespitler ve Diyarbakır şerʼiyye sicilleri katalog ve fihristleri. Moğulkoç, Banu Tejel, Jordi Ankara: Galatya Publishing. Anadolu sahasında yazılmış Farsça dil bilgisi kitapları: Gökhan Çetinkaya. Cham: Springer VS. The Tondrakian Movement: religious movements in the Armenian Church from the fourth to the tenth centuries. München: Claudius. Bursa: Osmangazi Belediyesi. Osmanlı Arapları: hilafet, siyaset, milliyet Hemşinli Mehmed Ali Paşa: Tanzimat muhâlifi ve hanedan damadı. İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi. Seyhan, Adana: Okan Özel. Seidener Handel: Basel und das Osmanische Reich im Yeniliklere açılma: hürriyet ve eğitim üzerine makaleler.