Aim: To investigate the effects of bacterial vaginosis, which is the most frequent vaginal infection in women, and its treatment on sexual functions. Methods: Patients who had applied to our gynecology outpatient clinic with bacterial vaginosis based on the culture results were included in this observational questionnaire study. Patients with an accompanying disease possibly resulting in sexual dysfunction and those with vaginitis etiology other than bacterial vaginosis were excluded from the study. Results: Seventy-two patients who had applied to our outpatient clinic between January and January and who met the study criteria were included in this study. Conclusion: It was found that sexual dysfunction was more common Sex With Vaginal Infection patients with bacterial vaginosis and improvement was seen in some sexual functions with treatment. Bacterial vaginosissexual disfunctionFemale Sexual Function Index. Amaç: Kadınlarda en sık görülen vajinal enfeksiyon olan bakteriyel vajinozun ve tedavisinin cinsel fonksiyonlara olan etkilerini araştırmak. Yöntemler: Ocak Ocak tarihleri arasında jinekoloji polikliniğimizde kültür sonuçlarına dayanarak bakteri vajinoz tanısı alan hastalar bu gözlemsel anket çalışmasına dahil edildi. Eşlik eden bir hastalığı olan ve muhtemelen cinsel işlev bozukluğu olan hastalar ile bakteriyel vajinoz dışındaki vajinit etiyolojisi olanlar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Bulgular: Çalışma kriterlerini karşılayan 75 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Sonuç: Bakteriyel vajinozlu hastalarda cinsel işlev Sex With Vaginal Infection daha yaygın olduğu ve tedaviyle bazı cinsel işlevlerde düzelme olduğu tespit edildi. Bakteriyel vajinozcinsel işlev bozukluğuKadın Cinsel İşlev İndeksi. Tolga Ecemiş Bu kişi benim Türkiye. Türkçe Turkish English. Archives of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Araştırma Makalesi. EN TR. PDF Kütüphaneme Ekle ×. Araştırma Oluştur Kapat. Effects of bacterial vaginosis and its treatment on sexual functions: A cross-sectional questionnaire study. Öz Aim: To investigate the effects of bacterial vaginosis, which is the most frequent vaginal infection in women, and its treatment on sexual functions. Kaynakça 1. Verstraelen H, Swidsinski A. The biofilm in bacterial vaginosis: implications for epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. Current Opinion Infectious Diseases. Prevalence and risk factors for bacterial vaginosis and cervicitis among female workers attending gynecological examination in Sex With Vaginal Infection, China. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. Role of hormones in hypoactive sexual desire disorder and current treatment. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc. Women's sexual dysfunction: a pathophysiological review. BJU Int. Female Sexual Dysfunction. Med Clin North Am. Female sexual dysfunction: principles of diagnosis and therapy. Krleža-Jerić K, Lemmens T. Croat Med J. J Sex Marital Ther. Aygin D, Eti Aslan F. Consistency of three different questionnaires for evaluating sexual function in healthy young women.
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Maintaining A Healthy Vaginal PH Level: A Guide As a result, while genital infections cause problems, such as social isolation, sexual problems, physical fatigue, reduced quality of life (QoL). Pro tip: PEE AFTER SEX. Urination can help flush bacteria out of the urethra, which may help prevent a urinary tract infection (UTI). Andrology Bulletin - : 23 (1)Archives of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Sex Transm Inf, 76, 1, How to Cite Çankaya, S. Int Nurs Rev, 48, 4, Syst Rev.
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Several publications have shown that the greater the number of sexual partners is the higher this proportion is, and that escort-kizlar-olgun.onlinelis, escort-kizlar-olgun.onlinelis, and yeasts. Ways of Protection Always use a condom during vaginal, anal or oral sex – but the virus can also be transmitted through areas of skin not. As a result, while genital infections cause problems, such as social isolation, sexual problems, physical fatigue, reduced quality of life (QoL). Pro tip: PEE AFTER SEX. Urination can help flush bacteria out of the urethra, which may help prevent a urinary tract infection (UTI).Bakteriyel vajinoz , cinsel işlev bozukluğu , Kadın Cinsel İşlev İndeksi. J Med Assoc Thai, 96, 9, Contact Home. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; J Sex Marital Ther. Group B streptococcus infection: risk and prevention. India moves towards menstrual hygiene : subsidized sanitary napkins for rural adolescent girls-issues and challenges. Promoting menstrual health among persian adolescent girls from low socioeconomic backgrounds: a quasi-experimental study. Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır. Urol Int. Ott, M. Pro tip: If you are postmenopausal, you may need some topical estrogen to fix the problem. Infertility is an important global health problem. There is still no clarification on the subject of vaginal discharge causing female sexual dysfunction. Published In the logistic regression analysis, risk factors for female sexual dysfunction were determined as white-colored vaginal discharge, an education level middle school and high school and employment. Verstraelen H, Swidsinski A. In addition, this study also revealed the difference between attitudes and beliefs about sexual health care between the western and eastern countries and our country. Of the students, Kanal D - Balçiçek ile Dr. Öz Aim: To investigate the effects of bacterial vaginosis, which is the most frequent vaginal infection in women, and its treatment on sexual functions. Volume : 23 Issue : 1 Year :. Testicular volumes were measured using Prader orchidometer. The biofilm in bacterial vaginosis: implications for epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, both groups were combined, and it was aimed to discover the factors associated with genital hygiene behaviours more effectively.