This cross-sectional and descriptive study aims to identify the gender perception and the affecting factors in individuals from Northern Cyprus. The sample of the study included participants, and the data were collected through the Socio-demographic Form and the Perception of Gender Scale. Cyprusgendergender equalityperceptionwoman. Kesitsel ve tanımlayıcı tipte tasarlanan bu çalışmada, Kuzey Kıbrıslı bireylerin toplumsal cinsiyet algısını ve etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amaçlandı. Çalışmanın örneklemini kişi oluşturdu. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda katılımcıların toplumsal cinsiyet algısının çok yüksek düzeyde olmasa da pozitif olduğu ve pek çok faktörden etkilendiği belirlendi. KadınKıbrıstoplumsal cinsiyettoplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği. English Turkish English. Journal of Health Sciences. Research Article. EN TR. Create Research Close. Abstract This cross-sectional and descriptive study aims to identify the gender perception and the affecting factors in individuals from Northern Cyprus. Keywords Cyprusgendergender equalityperceptionwoman. Supporting Institution None. Project Number None. Thanks The authors are grateful for the participants who so willingly gave their time in this study. References World Health Organization. Gender and Health: Technical Paper. Accessed at: February Durgun C, Escort Gırls Turkish Cyprus GO. Beykent University Journal of Social Sciences ; 10 2 : Özaydınlık K. Women in Turkey on the basis of gender and education. Journal of Social Policy Studies ; 14 33 : Üner S. Social genderequality. Vatandaş C. Toplumsalcinsiyet v e cinsiyetrollerininalgılanışı. Journal of Economy Cultureand Society ; Dökmen ZY. ToplumsalCinsiyet: SosyalPsikolojikAçıklamalar. SistemYayıncılık, İstanbul Şahin M. Gendersensitivebudgeting: A review. Fe Dergisi ; 3 2 : Gender stereotypes and discrimination: How sexism impacts development. Adv Child Dev Behav; Elgün A, Alemdar YM. Şimşek H. Objectification theory: Toward understanding women's lived experiences and mental health risks.
Many traditional songs are shared with the Greek Cypriot community. In the s, Turkish Cypriot theater started to be institutionalised. Cities, towns and villages Extreme points Mammals. Water sports such as windsurfing, jetskiing, waterskiing and sailing are also available at beaches throughout the coastline of Northern Cyprus. A sweet girl with the most erotic curves and a body that turns up the heat.. Sign Up for Free.
Societal attitudes
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